The World of Energies

The Magic of Colours and Essences

Since 48 years I am involved in creating our IUG Essences. Just to name a few I am grateful for the information received from doctors Benoytosh Bhattacharya, Paracelsus, Rudolf Steiner, Edward Bach und David Tansley just to name a few.  43 years ago, I wrote  a book about Numerolgy titled "The Numerological Key to Success" - it is now out of print but it is available as a document, which can be purchased. I wrote a condensed Version in French, German and  Spanish - besides a book of Meridians and Color therapy.  Applying numerology for 44 years on a daily basis, I developed a number grid which many of my students call "The Million Dollar Number Grid" because of its phenomenal applications to decode almost everything. I am happy to let you know, that this system enables anyone listening attentively to a lecture and preferably attending a workshop can determine the best days of the week, of the month as well as those that are not so favourable and  can also determine the best and least good years. It is also very valuable to be able to find with which number combination of partner one harmonizes best as well as find compatibility and complementary factors in the material, emotional, intellectual & spiritual sphere. It becomes possible to select essences and products for daily use. The method eliminates negative sources of information by applying subtle essences on the Body.


In the universe there are fundamental laws - observing them for a long time allows me to give you here the quintessence. Years back I decided to create the IUG product line. I didn't know that my initials I.U.G. in Sanskrit mean "reconnect". This gave me an additional Motivation to develop the huge potential of applications for "each person of good will"! Metal, precious and semi-precious stones, wild plants and minerals correspond to alchemical principals and are the material expression of specific cosmic energies! Individual typical energy patterns are created out of matter by a spiritual-alchemical process and "stored, imprinted "in specially prepared water. The cosmocyclic timing - choosing the most advantageous planetary configuration - is essential in this process. You also learn to analyze short term and long term cycles, find accor find compatibility and complementarity with other people and become more successful by choosing the best days in the week and in the month.


We live in a world of color.  Research carried out in many countries indicates, how profound the effect can be to influence circumstances. We can witness on daily basis, how colors influence our emotions.  The heritage left by Dr. Edward Bach is a living witness in this regard. Chromotherapy has been successfully applied since thousands of years in ancient India, China, Greece, Egypt and South America. Quantum Physics and modern medicine confirm what philosophical insights and spiritual discoveries have taught for thousands of years.

For the creation of the IUG essences I am also grateful to my family and faithful customers being active in the areas of Naturopathy, Chromotherapy, Osteopathy, Organic farming, Veterinary and Consumers. All off them have given moral support to strengthen my motivation to devote thousands of hours of research every year creating essences and giving consultations. The loyalty of our customers makes is possible to create essences for their individual and specific needs.  My family and myself care for our customers - similarly our customers are also involved and invited to participate in our mission to bring nature, people and matter in harmony with each other. Developments in various facets of our activities may strengthen and motivate your desire to realize "a better world for all"!


The insights and discoveries experienced over the years have been made to bring benefits for you and your families. All of this is available in a condensed form on this site!


Wishing you joy and inspiration during reading!

 Dr. Ivan U. Ghyssaert