
Chakras are energy centers relaying energy between the physical and subtle bodies. According to esoteric teachings they are situated along the spine and are connected by a channel of energy called Sushumna. Each chakra vibrates with a particular Color and is connected with specific organs, functions and body areas. Our behavior, emotions, evolution, talents, maturity are influenced by the Quality and purity of the Colors as well as the size of our Chakras. Knowing this it would be foolish to bypass an opportunity to tune our Chakras with essences that are specially made for them.


In this Color Chart you can observe the correlation of numbers, 7 main Chakras, 7 days of the week, 7 Colors and 7 Planets as well as the corresponding Gems that are concentrates of those colors and the IUG Essences made from the Gems. When there are deficits or excesses of energy in one or more Chakras there will be a lack of efficiency in the related organs and functions. Music notes, Colors, Waves, Frequencies, Gems and Mineral essences can influence individual Chakras positively. HOWEVER according to Dr. David Tansley, author of 10 books, and other researchers it is much more difficult to eliminate blockages between the individual Chakras. David Tansley passed away in 1988, he has been one of my mentors and appreciated a lot my research. As witness thereof I am pleased to show here a dedication he gave me. I am very honored to have received such a message and encouragement (already more than 30 years ago) from the greatest researcher in the field of Radionics and the subtle anatomy of man.


To eliminate blockages between Chakras one to seven you can choose the following essences. The numbers behind the name indicate their specific area of application. I recommend to massage the corresponding area on both sides of your body in the front (since it is easier) and along the spine. In the immediate vicinity of each Chakra there is a gland. The inspired masters of ancient India and the spiritual teachers of the last few hundred years tell us that a harmonious connection between Chakras and Glands is essential. Besides the possibility to energize the Chakras with individual Colors or combinations of Colors you have an additional possibility to optimize structure and function of the Chakras with the following essences listed here:





IUG Klotho (Protein) - LONGEVITY


We are all interested in living longer, but it only makes sense if our quality of life is optimal and we also stay healthy.

For 45 years I have dedicated myself to researching solutions that support and enhance our energetic balance for body, mind & spirit.

It was indeed a tough road, with many obstacles and severe tests despite excellent results in so many areas.

Now I am totally fascinated by new excellent developments and invite you to read the 2 following texts. The description of "KLOTHO" from Wikipedia, and an extract from the book "The Opening of the 3rd Eye" by Ulrich Warnke.


1. from Wikipedia (link:


Klotho (biology)


Klotho is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the KL gene.[5] There are three subfamilies of klotho: α-klotho, β-klotho, and γ-klotho.[6] α-klotho activates FGF23, and β-klotho activates FGF19 and FGF21.[7] When the subfamily is not specified, the word "klotho" generally means the α-klotho subfamily.[8]


Klotho can exist in a membrane-bound form or a (hormonal) soluble, circulating form.[9] Proteases can convert the membrane-bound form into the circulating form.[10]


The KL gene encodes a type-I membrane protein that is related to β-glucuronidases. Reduced production of this protein has been observed in patients with chronic kidney failure (CKF), and this may be one of the factors underlying the degenerative processes (e.g., arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis, and skin atrophy) seen in CKF. Also, mutations within the Klotho protein family have been associated with ageing, bone loss and alcohol consumption.[11][12] Transgenic mice that overexpress Klotho live longer than wild-type mice.[13]




1          Function

2          Clinical significance

3          Effects on aging

4          References

5          Further reading

6          External links




Klotho is a transmembrane protein that, in addition to other effects, provides some control over the sensitivity of the organism to insulin and appears to be involved in ageing. Its discovery was documented in 1997 by Makoto Kuro-o et al.[14] The name of the gene comes from Klotho or Clotho, one of the Moirai, or Fates, in Greek mythology.[citation needed]


The klotho protein is a novel β-glucuronidase (EC number capable of hydrolyzing steroid β-glucuronides. Genetic variants in KLOTHO have been associated with human aging,[15][16] and klotho protein has been shown to be a circulating factor detectable in serum that declines with age.[17]


The binding of certain fibroblast growth factors (FGF's, viz., FGF19 and FGF21) to their fibroblast growth factor receptors, is promoted via their interactions as co-receptors with β-klotho.[18][19]


α-klotho changes cellular calcium homeostasis, by both increasing the expression and activity of TRPV5 (decreasing phosphate reabsorption in the kidney) and decreasing that of TRPC6 (decreasing phosphate absorption from the intestine).[20] α-klotho increases kidney calcium reabsorption by stabilizing TPRV5.[21]


Clinical significance

α-klotho can suppress oxidative stress and inflammation, thereby reducing endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis.[8] Blood plasma α-klotho is increased by aerobic exercise, thereby reducing endothelial dysfunction.[22]


β-klotho activation of FGF21 protein has a protective effect on heart muscle cells.[23] Obesity is characterized by FGF21 resistance, believed to be caused by the inhibition of β-klotho by the inflammatory cell signalling protein (cytokine) tumour necrosis factor alpha.[23]


Klotho is required for oligodendrocyte maturation, myelin integrity, and can protect neurons from toxic effects.[24] Mice deficient in klotho have a reduced number of synapses and cognitive deficits, whereas mice overexpressing klotho have enhanced learning and memory.[25]


It has been found that the decreased klotho expression may be due to DNA hypermethylation, which may have been induced by the overexpression of DNMT3a.[26] Klotho may be a reliable gene for early detection of methylation changes in oral tissues, and can be used as a target for therapeutic modification in oral cancer during the early stages.


Klotho-deficient mice manifest a syndrome resembling accelerated human ageing and display extensive and accelerated arteriosclerosis. Additionally, they exhibit impaired endothelium dependent vasodilation and impaired angiogenesis, suggesting that klotho protein may protect the cardiovascular system through endothelium-derived NO production.


Klotho could play a protective role in Alzheimer's Disease patients.[27][28]


Effects on aging

Mice lacking either fibroblast growth factor 23 or the α-klotho enzyme display premature aging due to hyperphosphatemia.[29] Many of these symptoms can be alleviated by feeding the mice a low phosphate diet.[7]


Although the vast majority of research has been based on lack of klotho, it was demonstrated that an over-expression of klotho in mice might extend their average life span between 19% and 31% compared to normal mice.[13] In addition, variations in the Klotho gene (SNP Rs9536314) are associated with both life extension and increased cognition in human populations.[30]


Klotho increases membrane expression of the inward rectifier ATP-dependent potassium channel ROMK.[20] Klotho-deficient mice show increased production of vitamin D, and altered mineral-ion homeostasis is suggested to be a cause of premature aginglike phenotypes, because the lowering of vitamin D activity by dietary restriction reverses the premature aginglike phenotypes and prolongs survival in these mutants. These results suggest that aginglike phenotypes were due to klotho-associated vitamin D metabolic abnormalities (hypervitaminosis).[31][32][33][34]


Klotho is an antagonist of the Wnt signaling pathway, and chronic Wnt stimulation can lead to stem cell depletion and aging




2. “ Klotho": Remarks by Ulrich Warnke (extract from his book, the opening of the 3rd eye).


A master protein which reduces with its presence the ageing process and enables the regeneration of the whole organism. If this protein is not sufficiently present, all measures for physical healing, regeneration, slowing of ageing and so on have very little success - it is the protein Klotho. It has the basic functions described below. It is simultaneously a hormone, enzyme, co-receptor and membrane protein. It was named after the Greek goddess Klotho, who spins the thread of human life.

Klotho has other sites of formation outside the brain. But inside our grey cells, the tree-like branching plexuses of veins are very productive in the cavity of the brain ventricles). Each of the four ventricles has such a vascular network. With the help of this rich capillary network, the secretion of the cerebrospinal fluid takes place together with Klotho. Like the pineal gland, the capillary network contains nerves originating from the sympathetic nervous system (originating from the carotid plexus, which allows blood pressure and oxygen to be measured in the carotid artery) and the parasympathetic nervous system.

The tissue is enriched with Meissner corpuscles (after the German physiologist 'Georg Meissner [1829-1905]) and reacts to rapid changes in pressure. The whole system can be stimulated with mechanical sound waves, as we will show later on in the book.

The effects of Klotho, which have been proven to date, show the importance of this little-known substance:

- Klotho is a fundamental regulator of calcium and phosphate homeostasis and a regulator of parathyroid hormone secretion.

- Free radicals within the cell are neutralised by stimulating the natural defence system superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the aorta, liver and kidneys. The excessive ageing of the cells is thus slowed down.

- Klotho has anti-inflammatory effects.

- Klotho can break down the ageing factor "Advanced Glycation End products (ADEs)", i.e. the combination of sugar with protein.

- Klotho regulates the nitric oxide (NO) production of the endothelium. This increases the flexibility of the blood vessels. High blood pressure is prevented with increased klotho Acetylcholine then acts as another relaxant.

- Brains with higher levels of klotho have more receptors, better, more stable synaptic connections and allow faster cell-to-cell communication.

- Klotho controls insulin release: on the one hand, Klotho inhibits insulin and its brother "insulin like growth factor (IGF-l)"; on the other hand, insulin increases Klotho levels - a feedback regulation to regulate downwards too high insulin levels, thus, reducing ageing.

- Klotho reduces the proliferation rate of breast cancer cells and other tumours.

- An increased supply of Klotho (two and a half times more protein than before) extends the lifespan by up to 100 %(at least a third more) in animals.

- There is identical evidence for humans.



If you try to get this wonderful substance on the internet, you will find various suppliers. According to various sources, the price ranges between 3,000.00 and 15,000.00 euros per gram.

However, it is not possible for the general public to buy Klotho. Only researchers who work together with universities are allowed to buy it. Through my cooperation with various international universities, e.g., in Africa for treating sickle cell disease, and very soon for the treatment of haemophilia & thalassemia, I was able to obtain sufficient quantities of Klotho.

Since the discoveries of Quantum physics it is well known and broadly accepted that everything in the universe is energy, frequencies, vibrations. Every quantum physicist will tell you that there are things going on in the universe that we do not yet understand. Some, however, already have an intuition about it.

With several procedures we have produced 3 versions of the KLOTHO frequency, namely:


IUG Klotho Frequency 4x

IUG Klotho Frequency (C 5x)

IUG Klotho Frequency 7x


All 3 show a very high level of energy.

The price is 140 € for a 30 ml bottle.

Meanwhile we also have also developed the frequencies for all chromosomes. A 30 ml bottle of any Chromosome frequency costs 90 €.


If you enter a health problem on the internet and the term chromosome, you will immediately find in which chromosome there could usually be a defective gene. 


Any major chakra needs a gland to help distribute the energies into the physical body, the glands work as a filter system. The Alta major has the carotid gland. As yet the carotid gland is only in the etheric and works to fine tune the energy into the physical body from there, almost like a calming mechanism so the energy enters the physical body in a receivable manner.















         Each bottle of 30 ml. costs 55 €; except the last one 60 €


With such a resonance test we find usually 2 or 3 products which are required.


Professional fee for Test & Prescription only 120 €


Since I am sensitive, I can make the following test: If I approach the small finger of my left hand to a test ampule or a bottle of medicine or a particular food, nutritional supplement I feel at a distance of half an inch if the product is needed and good for me. This ability I developed over the years. I can do this also for patients. When I approach medicine with my small finger of the left hand, touch simultaneously with the small finger of my right hand the left small finger of the patient both myself and the patient feel the energy frequency, vibration flowing in. In about 95 % of cases the patient feels it. Some people are just blocked, in such a case I have an alternative method which I use at distance. This is extraordinary  as no instrument is that accurate